Monday, December 12, 2011

An evening run

Since I started running, I've been running mostly in the evening in the streets of my neighborhood, or sidewalks I should say.  They say concrete is the hardest surface to run on and that it's where you have the greatest risk of injury, but aside from an issue with my knee after about the sixth week of running (August) I haven't had any problems.   Treadmill running just isn't for me, and I have yet to get a gym membership.  I'm pretty sure thought that there will be days when I just can't run outside, like when it's -30 celcius.  I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Anyhow, since the cold set in, I've started running at lunchtime.  I figured I'd have less chance of slipping on the ice if I can actually see it, and also the course I am going to be running for my event is not flat, it starts off with a semi-flat 1 mile loop, followed by a 1000 foot climb over a distance of 4 miles, and then it's downhill all the way.  My neighborhood is pretty much flat, so I run downtown because there are lots of hills to choose from.

It's funny because when I started running I said I couldn't run downtown because there were too many people on the sidewalks.  It's true there are lots of people, but they tend to move out of the way when you're running towards them, or I just jump into the street and pass them.  Some of them even reward me with a smile or some cheering on!  So the funny thing is how you realize that your "issues" and "reasons" for not doing something are really just excuses.

So - this morning I left for work with my running clothes, all ready to run at lunchtime.  Then when I got to work I realized I had forgotten my running shoes.  So, I had to run tonight, and it was nice to run around my neighborhood again.  But tomorrow, I have to get those hills in!

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